Materialize your dreams

Imagine waking up each morning with the power to transform your dreams into reality. You speak, and your words, like magic, become text – a tangible script of your nocturnal adventures. Share these vivid narratives with those you hold dear, or take a step further and breathe visual life into them. An image emerges, a visual echo of your dream, ready to be pondered and shared. As you compare this creation with the dreamscape in your mind, you marvel at the differences, the nuances. How extraordinary it is, this ability to pluck thoughts from the ethereal realm of dreams and manifest them into the tangible world. It’s a dance of imagination and reality, a celebration of the mind’s boundless creativity. Truly, what a wonder it is to give form to the formless, to bring to life the visions that live within us.

Rose Garden

In my dream today where I was in some kind of a rosy garden. There were tons of different beautiful roses, pink, one yellow, red. And a small girl was in that garden too, she walked and enjoyed the sinery.

Working and looking through my notes

I had this dream where I was sitting in some kind of a study place, almost like a library. So I was sitting and looking at the folder with some kind of notes, trying to create a paragraph or encoding of a certain number of sentences, and I was just working on that and looking through that big folder of mine that has some irrelevant information and a little bit of relevant too. Then there was a guy who came in and sat to the right of me. He was also working on something, and then his phone rang and he was speaking in another language, not English. He was speaking with the old lady on the phone. In that time, my pencil has fallen, and it actually went on the floor and i looked at the floor too, and then I picked it up. I started to ear-picking on his conversation too.

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