Download the app, it's free .


Tell us about yourself, your hobbies and recent events. 

You can change it later too, the info you provide will help us create more personal experience for you.

Link with friends
Go to Profile to
To copy Link

Tell us about yourself, your hobbies and recent events. 

You can change it later too, the info you provide will help us create more personal experience for you.

Create Profile and link with friends

Download the app now — it’s free! Add your hobbies, personal interests and start recording your dreams

Tap on title and given it a name

Tap and start typing, your have a limit with 500 characters. Purchase more credits to record longer dreams, deeper thoughts.

You can Navigate to Category > Bucket your thoughts/dreams.

Change the category later too.

Hit Interpret to see the meaning behind your thought/dream

Interpret your dream

Click on Interpret button at the left corner

make it personal

Remember more, add more and share with friends

Profile > Link Code > Create Nick Name for your friend
View Shared Thought/Dream
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